The CFA EC 53 is Qualiopi certified.
As part of the law “For the freedom to choose one’s professional future” of September 5, 2019, the CFA EC 53 is oriented on the new Qualiopi certification model.
This referenced label in the field of training actions, validation of acquired experience, and apprenticeship training replaces the DATADOCK label and makes it possible to guarantee trainees and companies:
- Clear information on the services, access times and the results obtained,
- A precise identification of the objectives of the services offered,
- Adaptation to the public benefiting from the services and the methods of reception, support, monitoring and evaluation,
- Appropriate educational and technical means,
- Qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the personnel in charge of the services,
- Registration and investment of the service provider in its socio-economic environment,
- A collection and consideration of the assessments and complaints made by the parties involved in the services provided.
The CFA EC53 audited on this new standard by Socotec received its certification in July 2021.

Quality certification has been issued
under the following actions:
under the following actions: